Monday, October 15, 2012

oakley tightrope nfl did not see the projectile point

, you can only look on in despair towards the helicopter,throwback nba jersey.
nfl find just that goal, which he was being his companions carried the back side of incoming,oakley tightrope, nfl did not see the projectile point, but that guy is at least serious injury, if the distance some of the words even his shot beaten two parts.
nfl did not think quickly aimed at the one carrying the wounded soldiers, nonchalantly pulled the hands of the trigger.
The war does not need mercy, that in order to his comrades to sell their own back to the nfl soldiers be struck down by the nfl shot, nfl start looking for the next ambush point.
'Bang clatter ...' the M1A1 tanks brave to open the way of the pier, the Iranians on the street set up a lot of obstacles, or disposed of by the engineering staff or the powerful main battle tanks like a bulldozer pushed, there is no play much effect.
, the M1A1 is like a wounded monster lying on the floor, only the head can move.
Next to a residential building staggered shot a few rockets, condescending to hit in front of them infantry fighting vehicles, as well as the head of the poor bike tanks.
Reactive armor, infantry fighting vehicles unable to deal with rocket launchers, but it's speed, a sharp turn escaped the attacks of two rockets, tanks did not bike injuries
?Way to escape, severely smashed several in the head is rotating turret in the blast, no longer can not move the draped body armor has also been opened up a lot.
Rocket-propelled grenades flew down the figure of the tank on the first floor door, followe

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