Friday, October 26, 2012

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Maintain the Soviet war machine. Enough food for every Soviet soldiers can be filled to the Soviet Union and most of the rail network are aided by the allies, locomotives, rolling stock, as well as tracks are American. Hundreds ten thousand miles long communication lines, 10,004 thousand pairs of boots, 360 003 thousand trucks, all of which aid the Red Army to more effectively combat with the enemy. Allied assistance Stalin himself admits that will be difficult to sustain. The power of the United States
's Dependence on U.S. aid instructions, the success of the allies in the war largely thanks to the extraordinary resources and logistical capacity in the United States. Huge production of military equipment into the world's most powerful industrial strength, this is of course due to the United States from peace to wartime transition so quickly and fruitful, so that it can play a material advantage to make up for the serious shortage of army training.
This achievement thanks to some of the successful initiatives of the New Deal, including the first time the federal government started its own economic agents plan it is also thanks to the U.S. military is drawn from the research,womens north face jackets, including logistics, including conclusion, the results of such research and more from the Washington College of Military Engineering in the 1920s set published but after all, it had largely thanks to a highly developed industrial capitalism in the United States, particularly its the characteristics of a high level of engineering technology, and gritty entrepreneurs in the economy after a decade-long malaise, the manufacturing sector has a large number of remaining unemployed labor available for absorption and utilization,cheap north face jackets. (This is different from Germany employment rate in Germany as early as before the war had reached saturation, so only by increasing productivity to increase the value of production) even worthy, so the strength of the U.S. military has a wealth of resources for the protection and well-trained, strong-willed enemy rival.
This strength gap helps explain why the focus on the establishment of a powerful air force in Washington. Roosevelt think about the Air Force's strategy to become a key factor in future wars, but also to reduce U.S. casualties a way in his encouragement of the U.S. Air Force established one so that the air forces of Germany and Japan dwarfs the core of this strategy is the strategic bombing of enemy territory, economic and military infrastructure systems to remote unrestricted bombing. In fact, long before the United States joined the war in December 1941, the British study of this strategy has long been steady progress in January .1943, Britain and the United States finally decided to implement joint attack on the German economy focused their powerful bombers.
This combined attack, usually considered to have little effect, but it seriously upset the strategic policy of Germany in 1943-1945, and the process of economic development. Such achievements reached through three distinct channels .
First, the bombing forced the German Air Force deployed most of its fighter force for the defense of the German native and bomber production led to a substantial reduction makes this urgent bombers and fighters of the German front-line troops more exposed to 1944, with Luftwaffe in the outlying regions of the European occupied territories, the lack of high level pilots, was already well-known

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